Let`s talk about sustainability!

With our products and services, we are guided by the needs of our customers. This demands a high degree of responsibility. We would also like to live up to this responsibility with regard to the environment.

  • We check all our products for environmental compatibility.Our products are made of metals and plastics, and are thus easy to recycle.
  • We use halogen-free plastics.
  • We use cycloaliphatic cast resins for outdoor and indoor isolators.
  • We use biologically degradable oils, solvents and separating agents.
  • We recycle low-voltage, high-rupturing-capacity fuses, isolators and pressed plastic parts.
  • We produce SF6-free switchgears.

We don´t deceive our customers with the label fraud „Made in Germany“. We actually manufacture in Germany. This isn´t only sustainability in relation to our employees and suppliers, but of course pure environmental protection. The parts of our products don´t have to be flown through half the world. Regional action is becoming more and more important not only for the food industry, but also for the industry. Here in Germany  we have the certainty that all our products are produces under decent conditions and environmentally friendly.

Sustainability regarding capital goods is strongly linked to their lifetime. The longer the products can be used, the less energy has to be invested in new products. That saves a lot of resources of our world, but also the budget of our clients. Here we are covering two parts: On one hand we produce high quality products and on the other hand we take care of a high lifetime of the switchboards through our 24/7 service.

Without innovations the earth would not exist in the way we know. The fauna and flora has reinvented infinite times during evolution. Who loses adaptability or whose inventiveness decreases – dies. Our company is full of ideas and inventiveness. With more than 300 Patents we can prove our innovative strength.

In which cases can we use the term “sustainable relationship“? If this relationship stays intact over many years. If both parties can profit from each other, these relations can outlast a very long time. Apparently, we care for these win-win-relationships with our employees. There is no other way to explain why so many employees –against the tide – keep the faith to our company over decades. In our booming region, where a lot of companies are struggling with finding apprentices, we do not have problems to motivate young people to work to study here. Sustainability is heavily linked to the relationship quality of employees and the company.

Compliance Policies at DRIESCHER.
These internal company rules are intended to ensure that the company acts with integrity and respectability in the market. Our compliance policies provide the framework for legally impeccable actions in everyday work.

Compliance Policies
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